Buscar grupo música Barcelona  17 may 2019

Singer & synth/keyboard controller for Indie/Alternative/dream-pop electro.

Indie/Alternative/dream-pop electro. Hi, Im looking for both a native english singer (either boy or girl) and a synth/keyboard controller to join the band asap. Currently recording, mixing and mastering 10 songs that are going to be part of the first album. https://soundcloud.com/alombardian (Personal SoundCloud profile with some instrumental version tunes) Influences/references: Beatles, Tame Impala, Temples, Depeche Mode, Still Corners, Youth Lagoon, Beach House, Moderat, Arcade Fire, Deerhunter, The Radio Dept, Delorean, Radiohead, Pond, among others. If interested pls send me an email or give me a call / Whatsapp. Ph. 34 665 671 972 Thanks - A Lombardian

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