Aprender inglés Terrassa  03 dic 2013

Knowledge interchange in English

Hello I am interested to speak with you in English so we can improve my spoken level,

I have real knowledge in different areas as Marketing, Politics and a little in Economy.

So here it is my offer to exchange knowledge and some comercial skills talking in English.

I love treckking so we can do together. The aim is to do and share some particular activity that you and me really like it, but english language.

Thank you.

📄 4
📊 278

Carol_spain Hello , If you wanna, I invite you to Exchange Language, Spanish-English, all the levels, here, I send you link page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Exchange-Language-Barcelona/586490924760478 My regards Carol.
albertogalan Thank you Carol
Elena Hola, soy de Terrassa y me gustaría practicar inglés pero tengo un nivel muy básico, me gustaría quedar en grupo. Gracias
Sonia Val Hola haceis quedadas?