Aprender inglés Barcelona  08 may 2016

intercambio catalan/español con ingles

Good morging. I want to found a girl or a group of persons to talk in english. I talk spanish and also catalan. I'm 35 years but i think i can join a group bettween 30 to 40 years. I have universitary studies and a formal job. I'm searching people similar than me. Please, I do not want a romantic relation, only I want to practise lanuages with foreing people. Thank you four your interest

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Maik Hi my level of englosh is very bad. But i want practise my english. You send me a one mesaage private y hablamos para quedar y practicar la comunicacion
Luisa Hi i am Luisa, an italian girl of 30 years old. I need to speak english too. Are you still interested? Maybe we can speak on Skype and improve our english.
Jose Guerrero Castillo Hey I-m also interested. I need to practise english but I can-t afford an academy, so it seems to me a great idea.
Euler Hi, I-m interested, do you have a group? , What time days. Thank you
Beatriz Hi Suzanne! my name is Beatriz and I am 33 years old. I would like carry on practise my english because one months ago I came back here (I was estudiando english in Manchester during 5 months. I would want to meet you. I am interested only in friendship.
Judit Hi! I-m interested to join the group. I am 28 years old and i would like to practise my english. If you have a group could i join it? Thank you!